Geography at Parkside
Intent, Implementation, Impact
At Parkside, our vision for geography is to empower every child with a comprehensive understanding of the world and the ability to apply this knowledge in their everyday lives. We achieve this through a curriculum that is both knowledge and skills-rich, enabling students to explore and navigate the intricacies of their surroundings with confidence and purpose.
Key stage one and key stage two are taught through a variety of key concepts which come from the foundation built upon in the EYFS on a two-year rolling cycle. This cycle is planned following the Rosenshine principles by the subject leader. This promotes progression and an understanding of the whole child’s geography journey. Knowledge and skills are link though these concepts to give the child a zoomed out look on their world around them.
Key stage one children begin to explore bigger parts of the world by looking at the United Kingdom, the seven continents and five oceans. Children start to develop their map skills exploring small areas of the United Kingdom and non-European countries. Children are offered virtual and real-life trips to their local surrounds the park and Llandudno.
In Key Stage Two children continue to develop their prior knowledge of both human and physical geography. Children will look at natural process volcanoes, earthquakes and mountain formation. The develop this by looking at the impact and behaviour of humans and how it relates to the world through biomes, vegetation belts, climate zones, settlements and trade.
Through explicit teaching of geographical skills and knowledge pupils continuously gain a deep level of understanding which will encompass a curiosity and fascination of the world in which they live.