Governing Board
Welcome to the Governors' area of the website.
The Board of Governors are in place to offer support and strategic challenge to the schools Senior Leadership Team. We do this by taking on areas of school responsibility such as Safeguarding, Curriculum, Health and Safety and meeting and working alongside school staff who head those areas to get a deeper understanding of the monitoring and developments taking place. These visits are recorded and reported back at termly Governor's meetings.
We strive to have a good cross-section of representatives with a wide range of relevant experience to bring to the Board, allowing real and knowledgeable challenge, and also undertake professional training and keep up to date with relevant information to help guide the school strategically. This enables us to focus on the key areas that will impact the school.
The membership of the current Governing Body is as follows:-
The Chair of Governors is Miss Nixon - Elected 28/09/2023 - One Year Term
The Vice Chair of Governors is Robert Munday-Crates - Elected 28/09/2023- One Year Term
Designated Governor for Safeguarding and performance management is Miss Nixon
Our Parent Governors are:
Jade Pearce (4 Year Term of Office) ends 26/01/2025 (appointed by local governing body)
Keira Morton (4 Year Term of Office) ends 14/09/2026 (appointed by local governing body)
Zoe Paddison (4 year Term of Office) ends 13/06/2027 (appointed by local governing body)
Jon Douglas (4 Year Term of Office) ends 26/01/2025- Stepped down 12/02/2023
Our Community Governor is:
Bryan Cross (4 year term of office) ends 27/06/2023- Term Ended 27/06/2023 (appointed by local governing body)
Our Staff Governor is:
Pam Barton (4 Year Term of Office) - ends 23/06/2026 (appointed by local governing body)
Our Co-opted Governors are:
Miss Nixon (4 year term of office) - ends 26/11/2025 (appointed by local governing body)
Joanne Di Castiglione - Co-opted Governor (4 Year term in office) ends 10/02/2027 (appointed by local governing body)
Robert Munday-Crates (4 year term of office) - ends 04/11/2025 (appointed by local governing body)
Thelma OKeke- (4 year term of office) - ends 28/06/27 (appointed by local governing body)
Emma Holley- (4 year term of office) - ends 28/06/27 (appointed by local governing body)
Robin McMahon (4 year term of office) ends 28/11/2023 (appointed by local governing body) - Term Ended stepped down 09/03/2023
Associate Governor
Laura Salter (whilst in post) Deputy Headteacher-No Voting Rights
Headteacher Governor
Rebecca Bell - Head of School (whilst in post)
Governor Vacancies
There are currently no Governor vacancies at this time
Governor Skills
It is vital that we have a wealth of skills and experience within the Governing Body and therefore recruit members on these skill sets and delegate responsibility accordingly. The training undertaken from members of the governing body is as follows;
Our skill sets are as follows;
Joanne Di Castigloione – Educationalist, Head Teacher, SEND specialist, Safeguarding trained, Early Years knowledge, Schools HR
Miss Nixon - IT project manager, Safeguarding trained, Safer Recruitment Trained, ASP Trained
Robert Munday-Crates - Health & Safety, Safeguarding trained
Jade Pearce - Evidence Lead in Education, Degree in Business and Economics
Kiera Morton - Finance and accounts
Thelma Okeke- Account management
Emma Holley- Public sector background, bespoke training in safeguarding
Zoe Paddison- Educationalist, high school teacher
Our Clerk to Governors has attended and passed the National Clerks Development Programme.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the work of the Governing body please contact the school office where you will be provided with contact details for our Chair and or Vice Chair. We would appreciate and welcome your feedback about the school.