Parkside Primary School Governor Termly Update - Summer Term
Summer Term Governor Update
As Governors we have been procrastinating about writing this summer Governor update because we just don't know where to start - there is so much to say - so we'll start with a massive WOW! Parkside Primary Children are amazing! As Governors we have been so excited to see the summer term curriculum. Reception have had a fantastic term exploring the Monkey Forest and like their class caterpillars, have been growing into butterflies. Year 1 have done amazingly well on their phonics and solving puzzles about Meerkats, built a TeePee and have now moved onto (not into) a stately home at Shugborough. Year 2 have been enjoying a seaside holiday with puppet shows. Year 3 have been exploring Viking longboats and getting closer to nature with trips to Doxey Marshes. Year 4 have been looking at inventions and were a credit to the school when visiting Arnold Clark to discover what happens behind the scenes. Year 5 have been finding out all about Liverpool.
It's always slightly sad at the end of our Summer Term when we have to say farewell to our current Year 6. They've been a credit to the school and we hope that the experiences, learning and attitude will stand them in good stead for the next part of their educational journey. Their term started with SATS, which we couldn't have asked for more from them, they had a trip to Drayton Manor, did a fabulous production for their year-end play and will end with a leavers Prom on Friday. We wish you all the best.
The Governors would also like to thank Mr Compton and the Staff for all the hard work that goes into making the school what it is today, the diligence and dedication that goes into making sure that our children get the most out their time at Parkside is phenomenal. Well done for the staff who have completed their first years, Mrs Bell, Miss Pilling, Mrs Morrison, Mrs Barton and Mrs Francis and also well done for Mrs Unwin in her change of position raising the profile of sport in the school. We would also like to thank Mr Bunker for the work that he has put in over the last two terms, it is very much valued and appreciated. We welcome Mr Sutton who will take his place as caretaker in the next academic year.
As a governing body, a number of Governors finished their terms of office, Ben Edwards and Lisa Hamilton. They were replaced by David Wool, Patrick Wright and Katherine Edgington. We are delighted that Chris Knapper is now a community governor and will continue with the school.
As a school we really appreciate the work that you, as parents do. We've had a new garden area and a fabulous allotment that the children have been eating their way through on the school lunch menu. The volunteer readers coming in every week is valued highly by our Teachers. Thank you.
Ofsted recognised that our School was good and on a rapidly improving journey, however to take us to Outstanding, we are implementing their recommendations. We needed to introduce more ICT into the classroom. As Governors we have provided finances so that computing resources have been purchased. We are bringing laptops into the classroom for our children to work on so they don't have to move to the ICT suite. Our PTA are helping to fund this as well. They have done some fabulous events over the year, which culminated in the school fete which raised over £1,800. The support that they give the school directly benefits all of our Children and we thank them wholeheartedly for the time and effort they put in. We have also earmarked funding for the improvements and modernisation of Years 4,5 and 6.
There are lots of exciting changes afoot in education on the horizon and your support is needed from September. The response to the New Curriculum meeting was positive and the school will continue to keep you informed of what your children will be learning next year and the affect that the change to levels will have - please do continue to be involved.
We hope you have a fabulous summer break and hope that you and your children are well rested and have bags of energy and enthusiasm to start 2014/15 with a bang!
If you have any comments or would like to give any feedback to our Governors, please do get in touch - our email address