Physical Education
Intent, Implementation, Impact
Here at Parkside the intent of our PE curriculum is to motivate and inspire our children to love living a healthy life. We aim for our children to develop fundamental movements from an embedded PE curriculum to help them sustain a positive, active lifestyle. Through our curriculum we aim to teach the necessary skills that they need and link them altogether with concepts to connect with all aspects of life. We see PE here at Parkside as an opportunity to thrive not just in lesson time, but also by giving children the opportunities to be successful through sporting clubs, competitions and challenges both in and outside of school. Linking to our school values, through PE we aim for each child to have their champion moment through a diverse sporting program. A celebratory moment for PE is that we achieved gold standard in the School Games Mark scheme 2021-2022 which we hope to maintain year on year.
Here at Parkside we aim to deliver impactful PE lessons that build on exciting knowledge and skills from previous years. We aim to teach to a consist concept structure with a sport as a medium to showcase their skills through the Rosenshine principles that the school follows. All children will have access to swimming lessons before they leave in year 6 to swim the required distance of 25M as per the NC. The skills that the children develop and acquire are built on year by year allowing depth and progression. We deliver on this by using the resources at our disposal to maximise the impact of our teaching. The sports premium funding allows us to enhance the learning experience and the ever-important practical side of sport, practising specific skills, techniques and game like scenarios. From recent OFSTED reports we have achieved an outstanding grade for personal development. This links directly to staff CPD through watching high quality teaching, team teaching alongside experts and finally being observed in a sporting area of their choice which staff aim to improve on. Following this, evaluations and coaching are used as a final support.
The impact that we aim to have on our children here at Parkside is for each individual to thrive and develop the necessary skills to live a healthy and active life throughout primary school and beyond. A deep understanding of how the human body works and the importance of exercise and hopefully find at least one form of physical activity that they love and will pursue for the rest of their life. Through sport and PE, we can challenge children and remove any obstacles and barriers, opening new avenues and pathways into the wider community beyond Parkside.