Science at Parkside
Intent, Implementation, Impact
At Parkside Primary School, we believe that a high quality and knowledge rich science education will give children the opportunities to explore their natural curiosity about themselves and the world around them. We encourage and plan for the use of ‘science capital’:
This is enabled through concept-led, exciting, practical and hands-on experiences that progressively develops children’s scientific knowledge, skills and vocabulary across their school life. Recognising that science is a core subject within the curriculum, we strive to deliver effective scientific encounters that will be thought-provoking to ignite further questioning.
Our science curriculum is based around the Rosenshine principles for teaching and learning in addition to the science principles that were chosen by staff and children on achieving the Primary Science Quality Mark in 2023.
We teach using the National Curriculum for science, which is supported by the ‘Rising Stars’ scheme of work for science. At the beginning of a topic, children make connections linked to a key concept, identify their existing ideas, learning needs and interests about the topic. Children are also encouraged to ask questions that they would like to find out about, therefore this assists the teacher in planning for the science topic. Scientific enquiry is at the centre of the children’s learning and this is planned for frequently within a unit of work. Teachers ensure that lessons are differentiated accordingly.
As a Learner
- Our aim, at Parkside, is that all children’s curiosity is nurtured; allowing them to ask questions and develop the skills that they need in order to answer their questions.
- Children will show progression in their scientific enquiry skills and be able to set up their own investigations, deciding which type of enquiry they will be focusing on.
- Children will also be able to make predictions, explain their findings and make conclusions about what they have found out. In addition, children will be able to evaluate their investigation and suggest improvements. Children will also be able to explain their knowledge about a theme following investigations they have carried out and discuss their knowledge.
As a Member of Society
- Children will be given different opportunities within the local community, such as arranging visitors to attend school to enhance teaching a science topic and also attending practical workshops at our local secondary school. Therefore, children will gain a range of experiences and be able to plan scientific enquiries within real-life contexts.
- We hope that children will also recognise how their ‘science capital’ can have an impact on their own career choices and which jobs, in society, are suited to a scientific background.
As a School
- Children will have been taught a range of enquiry skills that they will be able to build upon to enhance their scientific learning following primary school.
- As a school, one of main aims is that all children who leave us in Year 6 have the appropriate skills in preparation for Key Stage 3 and still have curious minds with unanswered questions ready for their next stage of their science learning.