Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND and Inclusion at Parkside Primary School and Little Explorers Nursery
Welcome to our SEND and Inclusion page.
At Parkside Primary School we are committed to offering a whole school approach which is an inclusive provision for all of our children. Some pupils may have special educational needs throughout or at any time during their Nursery and School journey.
Through quality first teaching, and reasonable adjustments using the graduated approach, our provision is adapted for individual pupils by our SEND team. This is the first step in responding to pupils who have additional needs and SEND.
We believe that all children, regardless of their starting point are entitled to be taught in a safe, secure and stimulating environment enabling them to achieve their full potential both academically and socially. Through our SEND policy we set out our aims and procedures to support pupils with SEND.
The School SENCO is Mrs. Sylvia Dawson please email: sdawson@parkside.staffs.sch.uk
The Early Years SENCO / KS1 and KS2 Assistant SENCO is Mrs. Sally Scott please email: sscott@parkside.staffs.sch.uk
The Nurture lead who supports parents and children who require social and emotional support, through running the beach house is Mrs Pam Barton, please email pbarton@parkside.staffs.sch.uk
Alternatively please call: Parkside Primary School 01785 450 145
The Governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs. Jo Di Castiglione
Below you can access the school 'Special Educational Needs Policy' along with the link to the 'School Information Report' and our
SEND and Inclusion Pledge.
The Staffordshire Connects website link offers a hub of useful information:
School SEND information report- Local Offer
School information Report- Local Offer The following link will take you to our school information report on the Staffordshire Local Authority Website.
Staffordshire Connects Staffordshire Connects place is the directory of well being and support services.