Welcome from the Headteacher- Mrs R Bell
Welcome to Parkside Primary School
On behalf of all the Staff, Governors, Children and Wider Community, I would like to offer you a warm welcome to Parkside Primary School.
Parkside is a unique school that has the children at the centre of all we do. We are a community school, serving the North end of Stafford. We are proud to offer a bespoke curriculum that is centred around our school motto of Proud to be Parkside. We would like every child, staff member, governor, parent and wider community to wear our Parkside badge with pride and belonging.
Our school values weave through all we do at Parkside. We have six values that we believe will create lifelong learners and citizens of the future.
- Determination - children and staff that are determined to do their best to achieve the highest goals.
- Kindness - a school built on mutual respect and inclusive practice in which friendships blossom.
- Resilience - the capacity to withstand or overcome challenges.
- Respect - children, and staff that show respect for each other, our belongings, and our wider community.
- Independence - a skill that lends itself to all aspects of life, finding ways of and overcoming barriers to reach our goals.
- Pride - at the heart of our values, a strong sense of pride in their belonging to Parkside and their unique place they hold within our school.
At Parkside, we have a dedicated team of staff and governors who go the extra mile to support our children, ensuring every child achieves their very best in all aspects of school life. We work hard to establish strong relationships with our parents, a working partnership that is valued and at the heart of providing the very best for your child. You are your child’s first educators, you know your children best, and you are part of our journey. We want you to play an active role in your child’s education and to shape the future direction of our school.
We hope that you enjoy exploring our website and finding out about our school and all that we do. Please do make sure that you find us on Facebook, which provides daily updates as to what our children are immersed in and the learning taking place. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in contact and we would be delighted to help you.
Warmest regards,
Mrs Rebecca Bell